Waterford-based Eishtec has announced the transition of the business to be part of Infosys BPM, an Infosys company.
Eishtec was established in 2011 and is one of Ireland’s leading customer service providers, employing 1,400 people across Ireland. It was established with the very deliberate aim of disrupting the industry and challenge the reputation of the sector.
Eishtec has expanded rapidly over the last eight years as a result of a deep focus on operational excellence and the repatriation of global services onshore. It operates with a strong ‘can-do’ attitude with people at the heart of everything it does. Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology and next-generation services, working with clients in 46 countries. Heather Reynolds, CEO of Eishtec, said: “The entire Eishtec team is excited for the new chapter in the company’s journey. The company’s owners have been working with a leading BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) company over the last few months and have made the strategic decision to transition the business to be part of Infosys BPM. As Eishtec and Infosys share key clients, this move offers a great opportunity for growth. Eishtec is committed to our employees who have played a critical and integral role in helping us to attain our position as one of Ireland’s leading customer service providers. We believe the decision to transfer the business to Infosys is in the best interests of those employees and the wider organisation.”
Both Eishtec and Infosys are committed to delivering a seamless transition with minimum impact to our employees and our clients. The current management team is remaining in place under the leadership of the existing CEO Heather Reynolds. Infosys has made strong commitments to the development of the business and will ensure that all transferred employees are positioned for long term-careers and development opportunities within the company.
Anantha Radhakrishnan, CEO of Infosys BPM, said: “We are very excited to welcome the Eishtec employees who will help us further enrich our customer experience services. We look forward to helping them enhance their professional careers within Infosys, a global leader in consulting, technology and business process management services. We are recognised by the Top Employers Institute as a Top Employer in Europe for our excellence in employee care, and our dedication to and investment in our employees’ professional development and personal well-being. With our ever-increasing focus on enhancing stakeholder experience and empathy, this transfer further demonstrates our strategic commitment to growth in Europe, one of our key markets, accounting for almost a quarter of our global revenues. To drive our continued growth strategy in the region, we are hiring and training talent locally across the continent. The transfer of the Eishtec employees will enable us to better serve our clients from the UK and Ireland, further leveraging our deep expertise in technology, analytics, and digital.”