WIT Novus has been announced as the inaugural winner of the National Learning Networks ‘Positive to Inclusion Award 2018’. WIT Novus is a subsidiary company of WIT and manages commercial units such as Food &Beverage, Accommodation and the WIT Arena.The partnership between the National Learning Network and WIT Novus stems back over 15 years. The award is fitting recognition of what has been an exemplary partnership that has benefited all involved.It’s a very proud moment for the company and is representative of the culture of inclusion that is to the forefront of life in Waterford Institute of Technology.
wit novus
Said Kitty Galvin Hennessy of the Waterford National Learning Network: “The award was recognition of excellence in the provision and support of work placements to our students and an appreciation for employing some of our students. Without the support of employers like WITNovus, students would leave our service with an uncertain future.”
WIT Novus Food & Beverage Manager Mairead Bonnar said: “It was a momentous occasion accepting the award on behalf of the team at Novus. We look forward to networking more in 2019 and would like to thank the entire team at the Centre for all their handwork and dedication shown toall students.”She also paid tribute to her own team for their commitment to inclusion and willingness to embrace and grow this relationship over the years