Tramore Tourism has outlined ambitious plans for the resort and is seeking support from the local Town Councillors.

A letter sent to the members was read at the Council’s April meeting last week. Signed by chairman Avery Coryell, it invited them to become “active members” of the organisation, which the letter described as non profit making and comprising of business people and “activity providers” in the local area.


Among its aims, listed in the letter, is the development of events such as a World Ocean Festival, annual sand castle contests, as well as beach volleyball, football and polo-cross. It also envisages the development of a new public park in the town, a visitor centre at The Metalman, as well as a Tidy Towns initiative, a new tourist office and a new library.

Additionally, the organisation wants Dolmen Drive and Town and Coastal Walk brochures produced to highlight the historical and cultural amenities on offer and, in similar vein, it wants additional maps and signage as well as inclusion on its new website of a dedicated section on community activities.

Mr. Coryell is inviting the Council members to assist with promotion of those targets and, in return, the Council decided, on the proposition of Cllr. Lola O’Sullivan, to invite him to their next meeting to address them on the issues.

Racegoers parked on newly laid grass

Major damage caused by parked cars to newly laid grass on Ring Road embankments near Tramore racecourse, on the occasion of the New Year race meeting, is unlikely to be repeated in future.

There was reassurance to that effect when the issue was debated at the local Town Council’s April meeting, a complaint from local resident Mr. Dick Brennan giving rise to the discussion.

Mayor Joe Conway raised the subject, having received correspondence from Mr. Brennan and Area Engineer Ms. Jane O’Neill pointed out that illegal parking was a matter for the gardai to deal with.

However, Town Manager Mr. Brian White said that immediately the County Council was made aware of the damage they contacted the racecourse people and, accepting something would have to be done about it, agreed to cooperate. They had been very helpful since then.

“Obviously we will be more alert at the next race meeting and will try to make sure there is no repetition”, he promised.

Cllr. Lola O’Sullivan said that unfortunately was it an age old tradition to park in the area – it was not right but people had been doing it through the years.

Cllr. Dan Cowman said now that the grass had grown the same kind of damage would not be repeated in any event.

Masonry slippage

At the April meeting of Tramore Town Council Mayor Joe Conway drew attention to serious flooding in times of heavy rain of a footpath at O’Gorman’s Shop, off Ring Road. He was particularly concerned about Holy Cross School students.

Area Engineer Jane O’Neill undertook to attend to the matter.

And in response to a complaint from Cllr. Blaise Hannigan, she said some repair work had been done at The lady’s Slip, but there was masonry deterioration which still had to be corrected.

Ms. O’Neill also reported that the official opening of the town’s new sewage scheme was scheduled for the end of this month.