Pic 10Word has it that RTE’s weather forecasters are peeping around corners at present and are diving for cover at the sight of a Garda car.
Evelyn Cusack, Gerry Murphy, Jean Byrne, Siobhan Ryan, Nuala Carey, Helen Curran and Audrey McGrath are all hoping that August will be a good, sunny month and that An Garda Siochána don’t take a lead from the cops in Canada.
If we think we are having a poor summer then spare a thought for our cousins and friends in St John’s Newfoundland where they have experienced their coldest July for 20 years.
In the end, it was the cops who snapped. Cold and miserable, the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary issued a ‘missing summer’ bulletin and then promptly arrested two of the country’s best known weather forecasters.
Ryan Snodden and Eddie Sheerr of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation had both predicted that July would be warm and sunny.
Of course, it was all a bit of black humour but, behind it all, Canadians wanted to blame somebody and took some twisted comfort is seeing the two lads being loaded into police cars.
Eddie Sheerr is actually a US citizen and the grumpy cops said they would deport him but the weather was so bad there were no flights in or out of St John’s Airport!
Sometimes when a situation gets so bad, they only way to deal with it is to see the funny side of it even if you don’t feel like laughing.