Waterford Arts Officer Conor Nolan announced some new potential developments in the arts circuit at a special Christmas event held on Thursday last in Greyfriars.
Greyfriars is to close temporarily in March as the Municipal Art Gallery moves premises to a new gallery on Numbers 31 and 32 O’Connell Street.
This marks a real boost for the new Cultural Quarter on O’Connell Street and represents a considerable City & County Council investment.
The old Greyfriars museum will l be transformed into a ‘museum of time’, with Eamon McEneaney, the Director of Waterford Treasures to take responsibility there.
This will become the fourth city museum in the Viking Triangle after the Bishop’s Palace, Waterford Treasures and Reginald’s Tower.
This will prove “another welcome and positive move for Waterford” said Jane Cantwell of Waterford Libraries.
The new O’Connell Street gallery, which is set to prove a dynamic space, was previously occupied by the Southern Assembly, who have moved next door into the former Bank building.
It’s likely to be open for the summer months once various conversion works have been undertaken as part of a project that’s been led by Waterford City & County Council’s Michael Quinn.
The new gallery ought to prove a major boost for the developing Cultural Quarter and should encourage more cultural activity in the area. Further details are set to be revealed early in the New Year.