The Ted and Mary O’Regan Arts Bursary committee wish to remind intending applicants that the closing date for this year’s award is this Friday, June 7th at 5pm.
The Bursary was inaugurated in 2005 to honour the memory of one of Waterford’s best loved and respected couples. The purpose of the Award is to assist an individual or individuals, either from or with a strong connection to Waterford City or County, to pursue and develop their chosen arts discipline.

The cast of The Bilberry Goats, pictured during their most recent sell-out show 'I Do, I Do, So I Do'.

The cast of The Bilberry Goats, pictured during their most recent sell-out show 'I Do, I Do, So I Do'.

Applicants should note that the criteria for the Bursary are open and flexible and that people of all ages may apply. Whilst the Bursary has, in the past facilitated recipients to attend a third level arts course, this is not a pre-requisite. The Award will aim to fill the financial gap which prohibits an arts worker or arts student of any age or any arts discipline achieving their artistic goal.
The Bursary is funded by a combination of local arts organizations, statutory agencies and by individual contributions from friends, associates and family of the late Ted and Mary O’Regan.
Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford Youth Arts, Spraoi and the Theatre Royal are among the local arts groups who make the award possible and also the support of Waterford City & County Council.
The Bursary Committee is delighted to announce that an additional award will be made this year. The award is sponsored by the Waterford Variety Theatre Club through their hugely successful ‘Bilberry Goats’ and will offer an award of €1500 to a young person or adult who wishes to pursue a career, a new project or further training in Variety or Musical Theatre.
Further information and application forms for all Awards can be had by logging on to or by contacting Ollie Breslin at Waterford Youth Arts,
The Arch, Barrack Street, Waterford on 051-879377