The Irish Countrywomen’s Association may conjure up a stereotypical image of pleasant ladies drinking tea, but there’s much more to this organisation as I discovered last week. Waterford ICA Federation held an open day at The Tower Hotel on Wednesday April 17th, showcasing all it has to offer.
Its members are creative, proactive, talented and innovative women who do much, much more than drink tea. “We do the best mulled wine in Ardmore for Christmas,” laughed Brigid Keane, President of the Waterford ICA Federation.
“And some of our guilds might have a glass of wine after their meetings. We’re not just tea drinkers!” added County Secretary Bernie Hobbs.The ICA is in fact the largest membership organisation of women in Ireland, with many well-established federations scattered throughout Waterford, South Kilkenny and South Tipperary.
Such is the appeal of the ICA that it even boasts a club in the city – Knockboy ICA has 20 members and has been in existence for 42 years.