The newly formed Waterford City Centre Business Group (WCCBG) is to be commended in its efforts to create some positivity in the city and a much-needed boost to the retail sector.
Among the WCCBG’s central aims is to create new footfall, with reduced car parking costs central to such a plan. And such a reduction has already secured after discussions with operators in New Street, which speaks volumes for the group’s ‘can do’ approach.
The group is also hoping to broker a similar deal with Waterford City Council, whose car parking rates remain higher than Kilkenny City, for example.
Many of the group’s solutions are low cost and they’re hopeful that other car parks might come on board with reductions in the near future.
Approaches have been made to various parties on the matter and they are hopeful of progress in due course.
Destination Waterford ensured a lower price for the use of Millers Marsh car park and these have remained in place, so there’s proof aplenty that lower prices in the city can be struck with agreement.