N15S1 PicA WHILE most pupils have now settled into their school and classroom for the new  term, others have embarked on the new school year by remaining at home.
Homeschooling is a phenomenon which has become increasingly common in the  United States.
There are also a significant number of families in Ireland who have decided to  educate their children at home, including the Power family in Fiddown.
Last week, I called to their busy house on Station Road in the quaint village.
I had lots of questions to ask parents Pat and Breda Power about the practicalities  of implementing an education system at home.
How is discipline managed? How are subjects taught? How long does the ‘school’ day last?
When I arrived, class was already underway in the large kitchen which doubles as the Power family’s classroom.
Seated around the table were David (12), Naomi (11), Hannah (8), Abigail (7), Samuel (4), Bethany (3) and Simon (1) and also present in the house was older sister Chelsie (17).
Pat, originally from Mothel, and Breda, from Piltown, explained that they operate a flexible timetable but the school day usually begins at around 9am and normally finishes by 11.30am.
The couple made the decision to home school their children last October.