12KieranColumnWE usually sit up and listen when we hear reports of large scale job losses. Unemployment in the manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors in particular attracts much coverage because whenever cuts occur they are usually large in quantity. Yet very little notice is taken of the continuing haemorrhaging of jobs from the retail sector which is occurring on a daily basis.
Here in Waterford, BB’s Coffee and Muffins and Brunch café (formerly Loughmans) in Georges Court, Freesoul clothing on Broad Street, and Silverwood Jewellers on Barronstrand Street (to name but a few) all shut their doors in recent weeks. It’s hard to imagine how difficult it must be for those lucky enough to still be involved in retail in the city. Those that are still keeping afloat deserve all the support they can get.
It’s amazing that certain shops are still open given the lack of customers many appear to have.