Pictured at a ceremony to mark the achievements of 46 teachers and 900 pupils who participated in TeachNet projects were, from left: Cecilia Ronan, Country Human Resources Officer with Citi Ireland; John Carey, a teacher at Ballyduff NS, Seán Haughey TD, Minister of State for Lifelong Learning.             Photo: Marc O’Sullivan / OSD Photo Agency

Pictured at a ceremony to mark the achievements of 46 teachers and 900 pupils who participated in TeachNet projects were, from left: Cecilia Ronan, Country Human Resources Officer with Citi Ireland; John Carey, a teacher at Ballyduff NS, Seán Haughey TD, Minister of State for Lifelong Learning. Photo: Marc O’Sullivan / OSD Photo Agency

Ballyduff National School teacher John Carey has secured funding for his school thanks to his availing of ‘cutting-edge technology’ in the classroom. 

Mr Carey has developed a TeachNet project called ‘Living in Ireland in my Grandparents’ Time’, which is used in teaching history to children from third class through to sixth.

TeachNet is run by Saint Patrick’s College of Education. It aims to improve student learning by helping primary and post-primary teachers integrate web-based resources into their everyday work. 

For ‘Living in Ireland in my Grandparents’ Time’, Mr Carey and his pupils recorded two local people – Jamesie and Rena Power, grandparents of sixth class pupil Jack Power – speaking about their experiences of times past.

“TeachNet grants are currently funding 35 projects, involving over 900 students at primary and post-primary level,” said Cecilia Ronan of project supporters Citi, who recently honoured participants, including John Carey at a Dublin event.

She continued: “These projects use information technology and digital media tools to revolutionise traditional classrooms.  They capture the imagination of 21st Century students by using cutting-edge technologies to reinvigorate the traditional school curriculum.”

Minister of State for Lifelong Learning Seán Haughey echoed Cecilia Ronan’s sentiments.

“The delivery of education is modernising with the expansion of new technologies, and we must match this progression, to engage pupils and provide them with more effective schooling,” he said. 

“TeachNet is a creative and innovative tool, which helps teachers deliver these objectives in the classroom. 

“A real community of teachers is coming together through TeachNet, allowing them to pool their resources, which is a positive development both for the profession and our schoolchildren.”