Fairy Tree no more. Maura and Brendan Kidd from New Ross, County Wexford, pictured with relatives Derek Kavanagh, Stephen Keenan and Vera Keech from London viewing the cut-down tree. Photographer Michael Kiely said his camera mysteriously became almost too hot to hold as he set up the shot and, even though it was a crisp, clear day, through his lens it appeared as if the people and the tree were enveloped in a mist!

Fairy Tree no more. Maura and Brendan Kidd from New Ross, County Wexford, pictured with relatives Derek Kavanagh, Stephen Keenan and Vera Keech from London viewing the cut-down tree. Photographer Michael Kiely said his camera mysteriously became almost too hot to hold as he set up the shot and, even though it was a crisp, clear day, through his lens it appeared as if the people and the tree were enveloped in a mist!

Forget about the general election, don’t fret about the IMF and let the international bondholders go to blazes, we are in deep trouble because some very stupid vandals have cut down the famous Fairy Tree on the Comeragh Mountain Drive.

The foul deed was done under the cover of darkness last week but, of course, those that committed the desecration will find no hiding place on this earth. The might evade the gardai but the Curse of the Sídhe (Fairies) will follow them until they make amends and beg mercy.

The fear of local people in the Comeraghs is that the Sídhe will also take revenge on the overall county where the atrocity occurred. If they are not placated, the fairies may cast a spell of doom over us all.