Former Waterford Glass workers were dealt a further ‘kick in the teeth’ by the Government this week, when they learned that they could be forced to pay their former employer’s share of PRSI on a €10m payout by KPS Capital Partnership.
The €10m fund was agreed between unions Unite and TEEU and KPS last March, following recommendations by Kevin Foley, Director of Conciliation at the Labour Relations Commission. The sum was to be additional to statutory entitlements.
During a packed meeting at the Woodlands Hotel on Sunday, however, the workers were told that receiver David Carson is refusing to pay the employer’s PRSI on the sum (approximately 10%). Hence this sum could be deducted by the Revenue Commissioners before workers receive their share. The workers will also be liable for their own tax and PRSI on any monies received, though most would be able to claim this back at the end of the tax year.
Talks are understood to be taking place between union and Revenue officials this week to seek a solution to the quandary but workers, the majority of whom are on the dole, are said to be disgusted. “As if the Glass workers haven’t suffered enough…this is another kick in the teeth by the Government”, one former Kilbarry employee told The Munster Express. “We’ve paid our tax and PRSI all our lives, many of us when it was 60 or 70 pence in the pound. And now we could be asked to pay what’s owed by the employers. It beggars belief.”

For full story see our print edition.