CessnaSeaplaneAn aviation company that is in the process of setting up a network of passenger seaplanes operating between the county’s main cities, including Waterford, moved a major step forward to realising its dream last month when An Bord Pleanala rejected appeals against its operation at Lough Derg on the River Shannon.

The County Clare based Harbour Flights Ireland Ltd now says it hopes to commence operations in the New Year ferrying passengers in seaplanes between Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford, Galway and a number of other locations.

The proposal for Waterford is for the seaplanes to land on the Suir in the inner port adjacent to the Quay. Passengers would then be taken by tender to one of the city marinas.

Mr Adam Cronin of Harbour Flights Ltd told The Munster Express it was intended to lodge a planning application with Waterford City Council later this month. He was optimistic that flights would be operating by next summer with passengers using a small, low-level pontoon attached to one of the existing marinas.