TD John Halligan feels Independents
must work on co-ordinated strategy
“The Government is a dead duck – they can dress it up any way they like.” That’s the view of Independent TD John Halligan as the coalition enters what it hopes shall prove its last full calendar year in office ahead of the next general election.
Speaking to The Munster Express in Leinster House, Deputy Halligan contended that “the people have lost faith in both Fine Gael and Labour”.
He explained: “When you have Labour down at six per cent in the most recent opinion – now I don’t believe they’ll be quite as low at six per cent come an election, and with Fine Gael now in the 20s, then that suggests that both parties are losing core support. And when you’re losing that, then that’s when you’re in really serious trouble.
“Fianna Fáil lost their core vote at the last general election and they were returned with their lowest ever number of TDs; they lost touch with their base and the people showed what they thought of that come the last election.