Christina Lister of Norwich HEART (Heritage Economic & Regeneration Trust) who will address the Waterford Chamber conference in the Theatre Royal on September 23rd.

Christina Lister of Norwich HEART (Heritage Economic & Regeneration Trust) who will address the Waterford Chamber conference in the Theatre Royal on September 23rd.

Christina Lister from Norwich Heritage Economic & Regeneration Trust (HEART) will speak at the Theatre Royal on September 23rd.
With a 1,100 year history, Ms Lister believes Waterford has the potential to build sustainable economic growth if the city maximises the promotion of its urban history.
“I understand there is a growing recognition of what a huge asset the city has in its rich history and especially the treasure trove of buildings spanning centuries that all continue to co-exist in a compact city centre that’s very walkable,” she said.
Ms Lister’s presentation will centre on the smart use of new technologies to showcase history, public realm improvements, and education and community outreach.
Norwich HEART is a private, charitable company which acts as an umbrella organisation in promoting the heritage of the English city.
“Our experience in Norwich suggests one of the key elements is to bring together the public, private, community and voluntary sectors to collaborate – I believe that is happening in Waterford and that can give you a real kick-start,” she said.
Commenting on Ms Lister’s visit, President of Waterford Chamber Tom Murran said: “As Ireland’s oldest city and one that wasn’t ruined by Celtic Tiger excesses, Waterford has a massive opportunity. There’s a growing recognition that now is the time to capitalise on that.”
He added that, “The work that is now underway on the Viking Triangle along with the recently opened House of Waterford Crystal and the wider regeneration of the city centre is a tremendously exciting start to what can be a great journey for Waterford. The conference later this month offers an opportunity to reflect on where we are and look at where we go from here as a city and region.”
The conference, hosted by Waterford Chamber in association with Waterford City Council and Waterford City Development Board, will include addresses from Mayor of Waterford Cllr Mary Roche; Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Innovation Batt O’Keeffe TD; Fine Gael Spokesperson on Transport Simon Coveney TD, and Waterford City Manager Michael Walsh.
Leading academics from around the country will also be present.