Tag: around:tramore:entertainment:other



■□■ View Photos The second Kav Fest took place last weekend in Tramore. The event moved to August this year from July, when it replaced the annual Tra Fest. Again the weather man proved kind on both the Saturday and Sunday. Up to 1500 people were estimated to be at the closing band on the Sunday, Ska Rude who played...
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Review: Municipal Art Shows

Review: Municipal Art Shows

The Chris O’Brien Shanahan show, Dreamcatcher, at the Index Gallery, is an excellent mixed media event in a busy space. Work that draws on similarities between places like Australia and Fenor, gives the casual viewer an experience of the dot style of Aboriginal art in three studies, DREAMING BENEATH THE WILLOW,...
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Review: More Film Festival

Review: More Film Festival

I was glad I made the effort to return on the Sunday to the excellent Waterford Film Festival, at the Tower Hotel, where I saw forty, mostly short, films. I enjoyed the work of Katie Michaelak especially “Through Her Eyes” about a beautiful young girl making sense of a complex world as she sets out to run...
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