A draft accommodation plan for Travellers over the next five years was agreed by Waterford City Council on Monday night. There is a legal requirement that, revised or otherwise, it must be adopted by the end of April.

There were 156 Traveller families in the city as of October last, living in a range of accommodation, and 34 of them are currently on the housing list. Of the latter, 30 have been assessed by the Council as needing accommodation, the remaining 4 deemed to be adequately provided for at present.

The five year plan, not costed in a report presented to the councillors, provides for those families to be catered for in standard housing, group housing, transitional housing or rental accommodation.

Additionally, it is intended to progress development of the Kilbarry Halting Site by constructing 12 group houses there, while Bilberry Halting Site is currently being assessed as to its ongoing suitability for the purpose.

If it is found to be unsuitable then an alternative site will have to be identified.