Waterford woman Cecily Cunningham, who as principal biochemist with the Blood Transfusion Board was facing seven charges relating to infected Anti-D product, has been informed by the Director of Public Prosecution that all charges against her have been dropped. Ms Cunningham is wife of prominent city businessman, Gerry Cunningham.

In a statement to The Munster Express, Ms Cunningham said she welcomed the decision of the DPP to drop the charges laid against her and, in doing so, she wished again to take the opportunity to acknowledge the pain, suffering and distress suffered by the recipients of the infected Irish Blood Transfusion Board’s infected Anti-D product. She said she wanted to express her profound sadness and concern as to the adverse effect the affected product had on the recipients and their families.

Continued Ms Cunningham: “In 1997, a decision was taken that there was no legal basis for a prosecution against me in respect of the infected product. However, in July 2003, I was charged with seven offences which some five and a half years later have been dropped. I have been offered no reason by the DPP as to why these charges have been dropped nor indeed have I been offered any explanation as to why in 2003 it was possible to charge me with offences when in 1997 it was decided there was no basis for so doing. I am distressed at the absence of reasons for the various decisions.

“Throughout this lengthy, legal process, I have at all material times maintained my innocence and asserted my position that I did not, nor did I at any time, set out to unlawfully and maliciously cause infected Anti-D to be taken by any person causing them grievous bodily harm. I believe, and am so advised by my legal team, that there was never any substantive evidence which could have objectively supported these charges, notwithstanding the very large Book of Evidence produced against me.

“I believe that, at the conclusion of the legal process, it would have been plainly shown that there never was any basis for the charges laid against me and my reputation would have been vindicated. Throughout my professional career, my objective has been to promote good health and never to cause harm to any person.

“I would like to acknowledge and express thanks to the legal personnel who have acted on my behalf over the last decade. I would also like to express my deep appreciation to my husband Gerry for his patience, love and constant support over these difficult years. I would also like to thank my kind and supportive friends and relatives, my medical attendants and others whose faith and support for me has been unfailing and invaluable. I do not propose to make any further comment on this matter now that the process has reached a conclusion.”