The adjudicator Michael Twomey decided the awards as follows:

Best Director – Clare Smith for the Alan Cliff script Smashed Glass Chapters.

Youth Award – Emma Power in Dungarvan Dramatic Club’s extract from The Crucible.

Best Comedy – Konor Halpin.

Best Monologue – Courtney Canning for Ballyduff Drama Group’s In High Germany.

Best Dialogue – Emily Aherne and Martina Cullinane in Brideview Drama Tallow’s for Within These Hallowed Halls.

Best Ensemble – Alan Cliff for his play Prat’s Svengali starring Clare Smith, Jamie Power and Anita O’Keeffe.

Best New Writing – Hank Regan for his dialogue When Boys Have Money.

Best Overall Performance went to Dungarvan’s The Crucible.