N2S2Pic Waterford Airport is to benefit from almost €1 million in government-approved  funding between now and the end of 2014.
The announcement, made last week by Transport Minister Leo Varadkar following  discussions with the Irish Aviation Authority, is a further boost for the Killowen  facility in the wake of last month’s approval for the Compulsory Purchase Order of  lands which brings the long-mooted runway extension a vital step closer.
Last week’s announcement, which was welcomed by Fine Gael Deputies John Deasy and Paudie Coffey, shall see 90 per cent grant funding provided for seven different projects to be conducted on site over the next 16 months.
Of the €951,500 in aid to be provuded by the State, the CPO of lands at the southern end of the airport accounts for €405,000 of those monies. The total estimated cost of the acqusition of such lands stands at €450,000.