Kieran Walsh

A trail blazing company in a Munich suburb has come up with a cure for Covid-19.

This is not a vaccine, but will actually cure the virus and will work with all known variants. Every Covid-19 virus needs an ACE2 protein on the surface of the human cells of the nose, throat and lung, in order to dock on, penetrate the cell and multiply inside the cell.  Corona 19 kidnaps the cell via the ACE2 protein. The brainchild of Dr. Carsten Brockmeyer, is to find a way to block that docking. The virus is blocked at the front door, and can’t get in.

They make their own ACE 2 in a laboratory, and combine it with an antibody segment, in a molecular biological manner, which traps the virus on contact and renders it harmless, then destroys it with the help of the immune system.  The more aggressive the virus is, the better it works, they claim, and will save countless lives. The fusion remains in the body for several hours until safely eliminated.

He came up with the idea for this, while out cycling one day along the lovely River Isar, on the edge of Munich city centre. The inspiration of how a drug could work against the Covid-19 came on March 22nd 2020, 6 days after the pandemic emergency was called, and now one year on we might have a cure.

We know the area well, and cycled the banks of the river two years ago. We also know the location of the company, Formycon AG, in Martinsried, on the south west of the city ,where the Clinical Research is done. It is not far from the motorway to Garmisch, where many Irish go skiing in the winter in normal years.

Following his cycling inspired brainwave, the award-winning biologist reckoned he could come up with a long-lasting fusion molecule called ACE2-IgG-Fc, and the Formycon AG Scientists are working on the subtleties and possibilities of this discovery. They have now presented their interim research conducted in Martinsried.

According to the Munich TZ newspaper, Dr. Brockmeyer e-mailed Chief Virologist Professor Ulrike Protzer, who received it while out shopping and the work has blossomed from there, with his full support.  He said last week that the drug works wonderfully with all virus variants, that we currently know.  The drug is being extensively researched, in vitro, under lab conditions, before human trials commence.

Prime Minister Markus Söder of Bavaria, reckons this work will be even more important than some vaccines, as it is actually a cure for Covid 19, and will save lives and bring the world back to normal.

Data from clinical studies are now expected to provide confirmation, that ACE2-IgG-Fc works, without side effects, and more than meets our hope and prayers, for an end to this awful pandemic, that has taken so many of our loved ones, and harmed every community on the planet. This simple cure has the potential to heal our battered lives and souls and return us to a new normal.

If all goes well the product could hit the market in early 2022.

The firm Formycon AG has been operating since 2012 in Martinsried, a scenic area in south west Munich, close to many forests.

This area is the heart of German Biotechnology and is called the Bio valley of Germany. Bavaria is to invest major sums in further research, several 100,000 euro were mentioned.

Formycon AG has 130 employees ,and will need partners to further develop and manufacture this drug. The company is successful producing other Bio Pharmaceutical drugs, that are in use, in the treatment of Cancer, Rheumatism and MS, and other conditions.

Patents are running out on many existing medicines, and the development of new and innovative medicines offers a huge opportunity, as well as growth in so called bio-similar medicines, and this is a huge market, last year’s sales rose by 25 per cent, to €4.2 Billion.

The Irish government is duty bound to identify, and support  home grown Bio -technology companies. We have a wealth of world class Irish graduates to choose from , and world class expertise in Pharmaceutical manufacturing. The fact that most of the worlds Viagra, is made by Pfizer in Cork, and most of the worlds Botox is made by Allergan in Westport, demonstrates the huge achievements of this country and the potential for more to come. If we can do for health ,what we can already do for virility and good looks, the future is very promising indeed.

The Corona 19 cure ACE2-IgG-Fc will be Formycon`s AG top achievement, and within a year from today, perhaps with emergency approval, it will be for sale.

Dr. Brockmayer says the vaccine will be an important pillar in the fight against Corona 19 ,but the virus will still be out there. Effective medication will reduce the burden on health services and save the lives of many, especially our most vulnerable citizens.

Tramore based doctor Austin Byrne welcomed the news of  the development of a possible cure and wishes them well.  This will be another great step forward in the battle against Covid in Europe. Big funds will be available for research and development for this cure.