Tramore Town Manager Mr. Brian White has refuted the notion that buildings on land zoned for town centre use should be shifted elsewhere so as to protect the views of people in single storey houses at The Gap in Riverstown.

He did so at the local Town Council’s monthly meeting, in response to points raised by Cllr. Blaise Hannigan.

He said all new developments impacted to some degree on existing houses and single storey development for a proposed town centre site would not be a sustainable use of the land.

Contrary to a suggestion from Cllr. Halligan that a three or four storey “concrete block” was planned for portion of the site, he said that as yet no plans existed for the land in question and that any future use of the ground would be subject to design and planning and furthermore, local residents would be entitled to be heard in the process.

Mr. White said he agreed strongly with the zonings in the new Town Plan, which allow for Tramore to have proper Town Centre development and quality amenities for the future.

“The Town Centre zoning adopted for the lower part of the resort is on a scale that will allow Tramore have retail and services in the future which a town of its size requires”, he stated.

And he added that the Town Plan provided for a quality Town Park centred in the lakeside area, with good access and public lighting. But added commercial investment was needed to enable the ambitious Town Park project to materialise.