Remotely controlled drones may soon become a part of lifesaving equipment.

Remotely controlled drones may soon become a part of lifesaving equipment.

By now, most people have seen little aerial drones buzzing about the place controlled by remote control from the ground. Photographers seem particularly fond of them and there was some super footage of a recent Spraoi Parade taken by a drone.
Because people can imagine terrorists using them for spying missions or to drop bombs on innocent victims, many people are suspicious of their increased use and I have seen Gardaí checking out users in public places.
However, the benevolent use of drones is also being actively investigated and they could soon be in common use as part of equipment for beach lifeguards.
A British company has invented the world’s first lifeguard drone. Carrying cameras and rubber rings, the little craft can be sent out by lifeguards from the shore and can quickly drop rubber rings to those in distress while the lifeguards are still battling their way through the waves to their rescue.
The drones can also help pinpoint the location of people whose position may be difficult to locate because of rough seas.
Personally, I can think of specific incidents that resulted in loss of life where the outcome might have been very different if a drone had been available. Hopefully, they will prove to be really, really useful and save lots of lives.