We have just finished John Downing’s ‘The Unlikely Taoiseach’, a profile of Enda Kenny and noted his Waterford connection, given that his father Henry trained as a teacher at De La Salle College. Having a local connection, and the sense of history he extolled at the official opening of the Medieval Museum on Wednesday last put the Taoiseach in a most positive light in Waterford, despite the klaxons and protests staged nearby.
Hearing the Taoiseach speak of his pride in a city approaching its 1100th anniversary, given all the political to-ing and fro-ing about Waterford’s future status, was also most encouraging. That the museum opening dovetailed with the return of Nypro to Waterford and 200 new jobs for the city and region made it a most positive day indeed.
Talking to many people in the wake of the Nyrpo announcement, it was clear that they felt the area had received a welcome lift with this news, “welcome green shoots”, as Museum Director Eamon McEneaney put it on a day of good news.